
Of, relating to, or inhabiting the earth

Sunday, June 27, 2004

I'm not sure where this was taken...somewhere in Cali. Posted by Hello

Friday, June 18, 2004

My latest read...

So I was raiding the bargain bin at Books, Inc. (you can find some really good stuff in there)and I came across a book called "Scientific American's The Big Idea". It contains the best (and the most ludicrous) discoveries, inventions, theories, etc. made in the last 150 years that were featured in "Scientific American". Pretty interesting stuff: Alfred Nobel invented nitro-glycerin and dynamite. The first Ferris Wheel could carry 1,440 people at one time. The sweetening agent, saccharin, is made from coal tar and is 230 times sweeter than cane sugar.
Also started "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". So far so good. Other than reading, I haven't been doing a whole lot. Attempting to find a new job. It sucks. This weekend John and I are planning to attend the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade to show our support. I'm sure my family wouldn't approve but I guess that's the way it goes. I can't wait! I think it will be a lot of fun.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Pancho Villa aka The PanchMan: In short, one of the coolest dogs ever. You can take him anywhere and he'll love you no matter who are. He lives with The Girls in SA, TX. Posted by Hello

Impress aka Kitty and Imp: Once an injured baby kitty, now a rambunctious, spoiled brat (but still cute and fun to play with). She lives with Nonie and my dad in San Antonio, TX. Posted by Hello

Emily aka Poopers: She is 10 years old, deathly afraid of storms, and has to be forced to go anywhere near the yard. She lives in San Antonio, TX with my mom and sister. Posted by Hello

Nala aka NalaBear: She is 9 years old, as stubborn as all hell, and scares the shit out of strangers (even though she's the nicest dog you'll ever meet). She lives with John and I in Palo Alto, CA. Posted by Hello

My girls...Darinka, Nese, and Guti. I took this during a bug hunting excursion back home in SA. I miss you guys! Posted by Hello

My Six Feet Under rip off...I took this on the trip from Texas to Cali.  Posted by Hello

On blogging...

I think I'm really starting to like this whole blogging thing...So far it's been fun. John has even started my pretty new blogroll. Coming along nicely, if I must say so myself...

Sitting on the Bay in Frisco. Posted by Hello

One of my favorites...This was taken in my grandmother's back yard in 2003. Posted by Hello

So pretty...this was taken on Rockaway Beach in Pacifica, CA in December, 2003. Posted by Hello

A close-up of the Arch in St. Louis, Missouri taken in March, 2003. Posted by Hello