
Of, relating to, or inhabiting the earth

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


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- quote of the day -

"President George Bush hates Hugo Chavez. That's good enough reason for me to buy Citgo gas. But think about it for a second: Hugo Chavez is a leftist and uses his country's oil wealth to pay for health care and college education for Venezuela's people. This equal distribution of wealth runs totally anti-thetical to Bush's fat cat capitalist mentality that puts $4oo,ooo,ooo in the pocket of one Exxon big wig who's so fat that he probably can't see his own penis.

And it really pisses me off." Lassiter Space

Sunday, April 23, 2006

- quote of the day -

"Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot;
Or he can, but does not want to;
Or he cannot and does not want to.
If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent.
If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked.
But, if God both can and wants to abolish evil,
Then how come evil in the world?"
-- Epicurus

Monday, April 10, 2006

Order within Chaos

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Sunday, April 09, 2006

- quote of the day -

"You know what this is all about? It is all about 'smoke and mirrors'… it is all about these jerks getting together and saying, 'Hey guys, the American sheeple are getting on all up in arms over the borders and illegal immigration. We’ve got to do something, but we can’t do something or our swiss bank accounts will be in jeapordy. Here’s an idea - let’s pretend we’re going to tackle this bull by the horns, then we’ll be able to point to the issue and tell the American sheeple that it’s too complicated of an issue. They’ll buy it!'" The Gun Toting Liberal

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

jewelry box

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Tea is my middle name

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- quote of the day -

"Immigration is a difficult issue. The owners in Our Leader's ownership society need a workforce they can exploit beyond the limits allowed by law. Undocumented aliens fill that role, because, being undocumented, they cannot complain about being victimized. Now, we've come to a point where the demand for an exploitable workforce has become so great, it's hard to hide all of the brown faces we're bringing into fill it.

That scares the hell out of the rest of us white people, and when we get scared we demand that our government bomb someone. The House of Representatives, being the body that most closely represents white people, did just that in their immigration bill by making it a felony to assist undocumented aliens.

The Senate, being the more rational body, is looking at a different bill, one that focuses more on allaying the fears of the owners, the only group of people who really matter in Our Leader's America. Their bill will create an underclass of workers who can be legally victimized. The owners hope that these "guestworkers" will overfill the demand for labor and thus allow for a weakening of labor protections generally.

The more traitorous among us might suggest that there is a third way. They'd say reward those who've toiled here so long by giving them citizenship, and then pass a law levying harsh penalties against those who hire undocumented aliens in the future. Of course, this third way does nothing to either calm our fear of brown people or provide our owners with cheap, exploitable labor, so such a solution won't be discussed in the media or the halls of government."

Jesus' General

Mexican Plum

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Monday, April 03, 2006

- quote of the day -

"I agree with you that progressives value every life around the world equally. We do not believe the United States has a God-given right to go tell every other country what to do. We do not believe that the United States is divinely inspired, and that the United States is the shining light upon a hill to every other country. That is part of what I call the American superiority complex -- the idea that somehow we are better than any other country in the world. And this is a delusion. There are great parts about this country, especially the Bill of Rights. And there are very dangerous and destructive parts about this country, especially its record in foreign policy over the last 150 years." Matthew Rothschild on BuzzFlash