
Of, relating to, or inhabiting the earth

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Rants of an eternal pessimist

I finally landed a job waiting tables and bartending at catered events such as weddings, dinner parties and the like. Remind me, why did I go to college again? If I knew I would be doing this when I was 25, I never would have spent boatloads of my own money and time on something so meaningless. I feel as if I didn't get anything in return. Well, that's a lie. I met a lot of interesting people and got to take some bad ass classes. Then again, I don't talk to any of those people anymore and will never use anything I learned again... ever.

Watched Good Will Hunting tonight. Love it... every time I see it. Also watched The Human Stain with Anthony Hopkins, Nicole Kidman, Gary Sinise, and Ed Harris. Great cast but what the fuck? This movie was strange and really had no point at all.

Well, I have my first catering event tomorrow at a Portuguese wedding in Mountain View. Sounds like fun, don't it?

Sunday, August 22, 2004

The Texas sunset I miss so much.  Posted by Hello

- Life as I know it -

Most people would call the weekend that I had boring, but eventful enough for me. On Friday, John and I decided to watch all 3 movies we had recently acquired via Netflix. We finally got to see Kill Bill Vol. 2. It was a good sequel...much less violent than the first and I liked the fact that it answered all the questions that were asked in Vol. 1. We also watched This is Spinal Tap which was definitely funny. Christopher Guest & Crew are always hilarious. A Simple Plan with Billy Bob Thornton and Bill Paxton was a good movie but I don't see why they burned all the money after so many people died. The least they could do was find a way to launder the money or something after going through all that trouble.
On Saturday, we found an awesome Texas BBQ place called Armadillo Willy's in Los Altos. We weren't expecting much but the food was great and it reminded us of home. And we couldn't believe that they had Shiner Bock (one of the greatest beers ever) which we thought was only available in Texas. Today, we went to Costco and spent $550. I think we're set for the next decade. Going to Costco is always a nightmare but it was fun being able to spend money again, even if it was just for food. So sad being poor... I suppose I should get a job.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

The classic California sunset. I think I took this at Rockaway but I'm not sure.  Posted by Hello

It's August already?

What the hell, man? Where do the years go? It seems as I get older the faster the days go by. Or maybe it's because I haven't worked in a while. Then again, I know that if I was working, especially if I didn't like the job, the days would be dragging on forever. Minutes would seem like hours. Been there, done that, wanted to slit my wrists with a butter knife. Well, been working on a stem cell research article for John's new political blog. It's coming along ok but there's just too much information to sift through. I need to make an outline, figure out what key points I want to make. Slowly but surely....
I had a second interview today for a concierge job at a ritzy apartment complex in Mountain View. Not exactly why I spent 6 years in school but it could turn into something cool. I want to learn more about real estate and property management anyway so it can't hurt. The interview went okay, could've been better, could've been worse. What sucks is that I have to wait 2 weeks for an answer. In the meantime, I hope to secure at least one more offer. From where, I don't know but hopefully I'll find another potentially good job.