
Of, relating to, or inhabiting the earth

Friday, October 21, 2005

- quote of the day -

"And until they open up "Scrips Fer Jesus" stores where God's druggists can do his will, just shut the fuck up, suck it up, and gimme my drugs." Rude Pundit

Thursday, October 20, 2005

- quote of the day -

"After the vote, Kennedy said it was "absolutely unconscionable" that Republican senators continue to deny raising the federal minimum wage while, in the same period, voting themselves six pay raises worth $28,000." Yellow Dog Blog

Saturday, October 15, 2005

- quote of the day -

"The Democratic Party has changed. The party is now so moderate that it just allowed the confirmation of a Supreme Court justice who wants terminally ill people to suffer in vain because Jesus said so, even though Jesus never said so." Make Them Accountable

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Thursday, October 13, 2005

- quote of the day -

"According to high-level Lebanese intelligence sources-Christian and
Muslim-former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was reportedly
assassinated in a sophisticated explosion-by-wire bombing authorized
by the Bush administration and Ariel Sharon's Likud government in
Israel." War Without End

- quote of the day -

"For one thing -- and I'm sorry to be crude, but it must be said -- that woman's rack is fantastic. And she knows it, and so she dresses it to the nines and works it in a way nobody else has mastered. No quadra-boob, no pancakes, no nip-slips, no teardrops dripping their way to her knees as she prances... I have serious melon envy when I see her on the red carpet." Go Fug Yourself

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

- quote of the day -

"'Cause, even though, and, c'mon, the chances of Harriet Miers being some lefty who's been playin' rope-a-dope with George W. Bush since the 1990s are about the same as Donald Rumsfeld admitting an error, it's a blast to watch conservatives go ballistic that Bush didn't nominate Johnny Fuckyerrights, a Pepperdine-educated ideologue who has personally beaten a "confession" out of a "terrorist" and then shoved aborted fetuses back into wombs after chainsawing down an old growth forest just to make a single copy of a book on intelligent design that can be sold by Halliburton at a thousand-fold mark-up to poor school districts forced by law to teach it. And, what the fuck, he's black." The Rude Pundit (via Polunatic)