
Of, relating to, or inhabiting the earth

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas from our house to yours! Posted by Hello

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas Y'all! Glad to be chillin' at home today with John and Nala. We had the cajones to go shopping last night at the Stanford Shopping Center. It was complete mayhem. John got me some cool stuff from The Body Shop and for some reason we decided to have a Mexican Christmas this year. Feliz Navidad! We'll be making good ol' fashioned ceviche to munch on today. Got to talk to the family earlier and they were sitting around playing Aggravation at Nonie's. I'm so jealous. It sucks to be away from family at Christmas. It just doesn't feel the same. But I hope everybody out there has a great holiday and God Bless!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Zach, Britt, Tara and Brad Posted by Hello

Darinka, me and Guty Posted by Hello

Brandy and her new man Posted by Hello

The newlyweds and me Posted by Hello

Current Events

So I just got back from Texas a couple days brother's wedding was on the 4th and we had a great time. It was good to be back home for a little bit. I got to see my family and my girls. Did a lot of hanging out, just chatting and catching up. The day of the wedding was long, busy and a bit frantic. My brother and Elizabeth got married at a cute little church in Castorville. It was a beautiful ceremony and of course everybody cried their asses off. I think my brother and Elizabeth were just glad and relieved that all the mayhem of the last year was over. I think we all were.
When I got to Texas, it felt as if I had never left. I guess it will always feel like home to me. But, I was glad to get back to John and Nala. And, of course, the apartment looked as if a tornado had hit it. John took the opportunity to relive his bachelor pad days. Dishes, laundry, none of it had been done. So I spent the next day cleaning it all up. Well, I guess the time has come to find a job. A new doggie daycare just opened in Sunnyvale so I'll probably check that out. I didn't need that stupid college degree anyway. I hope something cool comes along.